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Mondays through Thursdays twice a day I host a 5 min live segment on Lithuanian National TV on social media local and global trends.  

Videos can be found on Facebook with #SocialMediaLRT.

"Social Media News"
Reporting trips 

March 2016 - I reported from Brussels immediately after the terror attacks in the airport and the metro station.

July 2016 - I reported on the migrant crisis from Sicily, Italy. Our team visited CARA di Mineo - a migrant center, which is difficult for journalists to get into. The trip was funded by a grant from the Baltic Journalist Travel Fund. 

June 2016 - I reported on the Syrian refugee crisis from southeastern Turkey.  We visited a refugee camp, interviewed locals in Kilis - the Turkish city, 5 km from the Syrian border. 

© 2016 by Viktorija Mickute 

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